Halloween Activities

Halloween season is among us! Honestly, we don't spend TOO much time on this holiday in the classroom, but I find the best way to get this seasonal fun in is through centers! 

Here are a few of the fun things we do the few days leading up to Halloween:
 Trick or treat math sort!

 A little how to writing!

 We read some fun Halloween facts and record our thinking afterwards!

 This simple strategy game has students working to remove 1 or 2 q-tips at a time. They start with 10 "bones" and try to be the last player to remove a bone from the skeleton. Students are subtracting and they don't even know it!

 This riddle is a classic and we love to hang them on a bulletin board! Students brainstorm facts about themselves and draw themselves under a decorated mask. We try to guess who each classmate is!

We can lift up and see!

You can find these activities and LOTS more:

Enjoy the holiday!

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